So I've started my first official week of training for Ironman Coeur d'Alene. I really enjoyed the time off and didn't really go as crazy as I thought I was going to. Last weekend in the Cities was really fun. I love being around other trigeeks like myself. Headed off to Gear West at 10 am Saturday morning and got my bike and got it fit with the retul system. A short explanation of that is that its a 3D motion capture system for bike fitting. Sticky sensors are put on the wrist, elbow, knee, and various places on the foot. Measurements are taken and there is an acceptable range to fall into. It was really cool and I'm glad I did it. The guy who fit me actually has TRIGEEK on his MN license plates - I thought that was amusing :-). After the bike purchase, Leah and I went to meet with my coach. And she sat there and internally rolled her eyes a few times while we talked about all things triathlon. We did a bike power test, a swim stroke analysis, and a run gait analysis. One little tidbit is that I averaged 307 watts over a 6 minute all out effort. I read about pro triathletes averaging 315 watts over the course of an ironman bike course... freakin amazing, cause that six minute effort nearly killed me :-). It is very nice to have a coach pick apart all of my disciplines and give me little things to work on too. So it was a great, successful, productive, and expensive weekend :-). Still need to get used to the new bike and to riding aero again - it's been a while since I've been "aero." And as always, so much thanks goes to Leah, who puts up with me and my extremely time and money consuming hobby :-). So this being "week 1" of my training, nothing too intense or long right now, but as always, I'll write when I feel so moved. Thanks for reading all!! Merry Christmas!!
About Me
- triathlondon
- This is my 6th Summer of racing triathlon. I have now completed 3 Ironmans under my belt, Florida 2009, Coeur d'Alene 2010, and most recently Ironman Wisconsin on 9/11/11. I love my family and I love my sport and everything they have both done for me.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
my new toy :-)
So I've started my first official week of training for Ironman Coeur d'Alene. I really enjoyed the time off and didn't really go as crazy as I thought I was going to. Last weekend in the Cities was really fun. I love being around other trigeeks like myself. Headed off to Gear West at 10 am Saturday morning and got my bike and got it fit with the retul system. A short explanation of that is that its a 3D motion capture system for bike fitting. Sticky sensors are put on the wrist, elbow, knee, and various places on the foot. Measurements are taken and there is an acceptable range to fall into. It was really cool and I'm glad I did it. The guy who fit me actually has TRIGEEK on his MN license plates - I thought that was amusing :-). After the bike purchase, Leah and I went to meet with my coach. And she sat there and internally rolled her eyes a few times while we talked about all things triathlon. We did a bike power test, a swim stroke analysis, and a run gait analysis. One little tidbit is that I averaged 307 watts over a 6 minute all out effort. I read about pro triathletes averaging 315 watts over the course of an ironman bike course... freakin amazing, cause that six minute effort nearly killed me :-). It is very nice to have a coach pick apart all of my disciplines and give me little things to work on too. So it was a great, successful, productive, and expensive weekend :-). Still need to get used to the new bike and to riding aero again - it's been a while since I've been "aero." And as always, so much thanks goes to Leah, who puts up with me and my extremely time and money consuming hobby :-). So this being "week 1" of my training, nothing too intense or long right now, but as always, I'll write when I feel so moved. Thanks for reading all!! Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Happy things
I'm very excited about my nephew being born yesterday morning!! He's gonna kick my ass in a race in about 18 years - it's his destiny, I have forseen it :-)!! I'm very happy for Chris and Pam, and I'm psyched about my role as uncle. I keep telling them its all the fun and none of the responsibility. Then they tell me karma's a bitch :-)
Anyway, I've been to physical therapy a couple of times now and I'm feeling better after a few days of knee stabilization exercises - I got some ultrasound done last time, that seemed to help a little. Of course it may be helping cause I have it in my head that it'l help, but let's not worry about why... I am up to an hour on the indoor trainer - done that a couple times - feel pretty good doing it too. I'm gonna try about a 30 minute run this evening before yoga. My heartrate was not what I was used to last time I ran on the treadmill, but it will improve with base training starting in a couple weeks. Too bloody cold to run outside these days - I draw the line at about 5-10 degrees... And swimming is slowly coming together again, starting to "feel the water," as swimmer nerds say :-)
I am very excited about my new bike!! I actually called Gear West earlier today and talked to who I believe is the owner. I got to talk about triathlon and bike nerd stuff for a while with someone who actually gives a rat's ass about what I'm saying, so that was fun. I asked lots of questions about the bike I am contemplating - the Felt B2 Pro. I even put some money down to hold it for me because he told me that they're really going quickly. They have 3 of the size i need, the 56, and only 1 left in every other size - they're going very quickly he says. So, to summarize, I am very excited about a lot of things. Number 1 and most important, my new nephew. Number 2, my new bike :-). And number 3, my new coach.. The first one doesn't cost me anything, the second two.... not so much.... Lucky for me I have an AWESOME wife who puts up with, supports, and understands my obsessions and dreams. Thanks honey - I LOVE YOU. Oh what the hell, if you're reading this I LOVE YOU TOO.!! Over and out!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Into December....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Postrace news
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Monday, November 9, 2009
You are an Ironman!!
Ran up the chute, got my wetsuit yanked off, and I headed off through the showers to T1. Definitely different than any other transition. Waited a little for my gear and headed into the change tent. Threw on my bike socks, shoes, race number, got my pills, put on the helmet, sunglasses, and arm warmers and headed out - got lathered up with sunscreen, a volunteer gave me my bike, and off I went. Sipped water for the first 30 minutes or so, then I started my nutrition. 4 bottles of EFS, 2 energy bars, 2 uncrustables, a can of redbull, couple of bites of cookie, and 1 bottle of gatorade endurance. I picked up water at almost every aid station, 2 more bottles of sports drink and the cookie and redbull in special needs, and the gatorade at the final aid station. My pace was up at about 20.8 for prob the first hour, and slowed to around 19.2 with the wind, a few rollers, and the special needs stop. The last 25 miles or so were on brand new paved road with the wind so that picked my pace back up. I was starting to feel it a little in my low back and back of my left knee, so I took 1 advil with about 40 minutes left on the bike. That perked me right up and so I pushed it a little near the end of the bike. I came in at about 5:36 - or about 20.1 mph or so - I was happy with the bike, but a little worried about the back of my knee at this point. If I could have done anything different, I would have gone without arm warmers.
Got into transition, handed my bike off, got my gear from the no-nonsense, johnny on the spot volunteers and went to change. Threw on my tri shorts, body glide, socks, shoes and visor - all the while a volunteer is unpacking and packing my gear up for me. Then I contemplated how far a marathon was, and headed out the door to the porta potty. Felt better!! Then I got more sunscreen from a young lady who was really into her job - she even gave me a hug. Then I set out on the run. 26.2 to go!! The marathon was about survival. I eventually settled into a comfortable pace and the heartrate came down a little. Definitely started to feel the back of the knee at about 3 or 4 miles in. I was telling myself to go as long as I could without more advil. That lasted until somewhere between 10K and 9 miles. Then I took 2 more advil (if you're keeping track, that's 3 total so far). Again that dulled the pain and I felt more comfortable. I loved the aid stations. Among them were MASH, a 70s theme, and one had women shall we say dressing and acting inappropriately - think leather :-) They made me smile. I took water, coke, gel, and gatorade at aid stations. Finished the first half marathon feeling not all together horrible. I picked up special needs, had another redbull, and got a long sleeve shirt to tie around my waist. Now the race begins as they say. The sun started to go down and I appreciated the slightly cooler temps. I continued to push forward, doing the run / walk thing, and chatted with a couple of people along the way. I got to about mile 20 and started to do math in my head, calculating how fast I needed to go to break 12 hours. So needless to say, I was in pain at this point, but I was going to finish. I started the chicken broth - tasted good actually. Several waters, gatorades, cokes, and broths later, I realized I would make my goal of sub 12. The last couple miles were the longest. I ran a quarter mile, then speedwalked a quarter. When I came around the corner onto Thomas drive, about a quarter mile to go, I decided to run the rest of the way. I came around the corner, under the first arch, and high fived my brother, and then ran the rest of the 30 yards or so with my arms up under the finishing arch and then looked to the sky. I was an ironman!! Got my medal, t-shirt, and hat. Then I got my picture - After looking at it, I look tired in the picture for some reason. Then followed high fives, and hugs and tears with my faithful followers. Then more pictures, then the recovery drink, then pizza - yummy :-)
Then slowly but surely we made our way back to transition. Chris came in to get my gear and bike with me. Let's just say I didn't need the emergency immodium during the race but did after :-) So I got my bike, my gear, got changed, hit up the porta potty, and then left transition and walked back to the car with the crew. Back at the condo I had more advil - 4 to be exact - then showered and ate more pizza. I went back to the finish line with Leah and Rodrigo for the last 90 minutes of the race. The best part of the ironman, aside from your own finish, is the last hour of the race. Really fun time!! Then I went home and went to bed. Woke up around 6:30, had mini wheats and advil for breakfast, realized the back of my knee really hurt, then left to go spend copious amounts of money on finisher's merchandise. Stood in line for an hour just to get in the store. Did the shopping, then hung out with friends and Leah the rest of the day. A couple more race notes - I was really happy with my heart rate control during the bike and run. Of course I couldn't really run fast enough to elevate the heart rate much the last 10K of the run :-)
What an experience!! Thanks so much for all the support and encouragement. FYI the leg is much better today than yesterday. Just a matter time I hope!! Now it's into maintenance and recovery mode til Christmas or so. I love you all. Thank you and good day!!
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Friday, November 6, 2009
The day before
Well it's about 2:30 on Friday, November 6, the day before the race. There's absolutely nothing left I can do to prepare physically. I did a short swim behind my condo this morning, followed by a 30 minute spin and a 15 minute run. After eating, I proceeded to get my bike and run gear bags ready, as well as the bike itself. After taking my time getting everything in order, I took my bike and gear bags and checked them in to transition. I will see them next at about 5:30 in the morning or so. It seems like yesterday I was here volunteering with the intent of signing up for this year. Well a year has passed, and here I am!! I don't have any overwhelming feeling of nervousness yet - I'm assuming that will happen when I wake up and try and choke down my much needed pre-race breakfast - the same one I eat before every single race. We'll make our way down to the race start, I'll add a couple things to my bike gear bag - race number belt and pills, get my nutrition and fluids ready to go on my bike, then I'll air up my tires, hang around the porta potties for a while, then sit around and wait - same as every race.
I've kind of been thinking about the sacrifices that have been made over the past year. Not only by me, but mostly by those around me and close to me. The ironman is not a solo journey, not by a long shot. It is a family sacrifice. My family has done just that. I don't know how much time and money has been spent on racing, traveling, eating, new bike toys :-), and countless weekends away from home. How much of Leah's life has revolved around me and my racing? A whole lot of it would be the answer. I can't thank everyone enough for all the sacrifices that have been made so I can do this, especially her. Hopefully, you will all be rewarded when I cross the finish line. I don't really know what I'll do when I cross the finish line - it depends on how much energy I have left I guess - I'm guessing it won't be too dramatic - I'll probably make it up right before I do it. And lastly, I don't want to get too sentimental, but I know mom will be watching my every arm stroke, pedal stroke, and stride - of which there will be many!! This one's for you mom!!
And when I'm done, I am going to eat something I shouldn't. I'd love to make it back to the finish line for the midnight finishers - cause finishing the ironman is cool - but when you finish in the last half hour of the race, you are the center of attention and a rockstar. Again, we'll see how I feel. I might take the day after the race off too :-) So the next entry you'll see from me will be my race report. Follow along tomorrow on the internet - talk you you all after the race.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
List :-)
Plan is to bring my bike pump and hand it off in the morning after I use it to whomever is lucky enough to accompany me to transition at 5:30 am :-)
Swim: wetsuit, goggles, cap, bodyglide before swim, bike shorts and 2XU race jersey under wetsuit.
T1 Bag - little white towel, chamois butter, body glide, bike socks, bike shoes, race number belt, helmet, sunglasses (regular and amber lenses), arm warmers, magic pills in ziploc (tylenol, ibuprofen - evil NSAID I know, immodium, salt tablets), nutrition and fluids already on bike, along with little pack of chamois butter, in seat pack will be 3 CO2, CO2 pump, tire levers, 2 tubes with valve extenders, zip ties
Bike special needs - 2 more EFS bottles, coke or red bull
T2 Bag - running shoes, running socks, tri shorts for running, hat, body glide for feet and arms
Run special needs - warm base layer shirt, red bull
Post race - socks, underwear, prepair crocs, shirt, sweat pants
I'll need training clothes for the week, 1 bike short, 1 jersey, 1 running shorts, and 1 running shirt
My plan is to put as much as I can besides my bike and wheels into my bike box, since I'll have to pay extra for it anyway, might as well make it worth it. Sunday is packing day, The only other bag I'm bringing is my black TYR transition bag. I'm bringing minimal clothing to wear during the week - can just wash while I'm there. I should be able to cram everything I need into the bike box and the backpack. Now all I need is for the airlines not to f up my packing job or lose my bike and I should be good. I'm shopping for food when I get there. I have friends getting there on Thursday, and family on Friday - and one person should be arriving during the race to see me finish - he gets the prize for the shortest trip - about 15 hours from landing to leaving again.
I hope I impressed you all with my list making ability. Rest assured, you will hear from me soon again!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
The doc
Tuesday 10/27 - Swim 1:00, zone 1-2 effort, speed work; Run :45, zone 1-2 effort
Wednesday 10/28 - Ride 1:00, cadence at 90+, zone 1-2 effort
Thursday 10/29 - Swim :45; Run :45, both zone 1-2
Friday 10/30 - Off day
Saturday 10/31 - Swim 1:00; Ride 2:00, Run 1:00
Sunday 11/1 - Ride 1:00 easy
Race week I'll figure out as I go. Talk to you soon all!!
The weekend
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
I’m done with my last long ride – did that last Sunday. I rode with a buddy for the first 3 hours – it’s amazing how much faster the time passes when you can draft and talk while you’re riding J . I did a little less than 5 and a half hours out of a scheduled 6. I figure 3 rides of 5 + hours should do it. This weekend is 1:30 swim, 3:00 bike, and 1:30 run on Saturday, and 1:00 bike on Sunday. I suppose I should start to feel “rested” soon. I guess there’s all that waiting to do now. I’m kind of excited – I’ll probably drive everyone around me nuts the next couple of weeks, but they’ll deal J. I’ll save all the poetic speech ifying for race week – I’ll touch base soon. Take care all!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
untitled :-)
I came across this story on and I wanted to pass it along. It’s a pretty good little column.
It looks like I’ll be able to get my six hour ride in on Sunday. It says a high of 57 with “pm showers”. So hopefully that holds up and I can do what I need to do. No more long rides after Sunday. Next weekend is a long Saturday brick of 1:00, 3:00, 1:00, and a Sunday ride of 1:00 – almost taper time J. I’ll talk to you all some time next week.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Another week gone by
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Monday, October 5, 2009
Monster weekend
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
The lottery and some thoughts
That being said, another 2:30 running, 1:00 swim on Saturday, and 5:00 riding on Sunday. Let's get that done. I'll let you know how that goes after I'm done. Take it easy all - thanks for reading....
Friday, September 25, 2009
Read :-)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Garmin Connect - Activity Details for 2:30 E3 Run
Garmin Connect - Activity Details for 2:30 E3 Run
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Thursday, September 17, 2009
Welcome... And Square Lake race report
I have decided to switch blog sites to this one since it seems to be a little more user friendly. For those of you who want to read what I have on my "other" one, the address is I will however be using this one from now on. So... Square Lake was last weekend. Overall, I was happy with the results. I was slightly faster than last year at the same race. My swim, bike, and both my transitions were faster to some degree. My run was not. It was a hot and humid day, the run course is hilly, and had little to no shade. All things considered, only about five minutes slower on the run is not too bad a result. It's five days after the race, and I feel I have recovered very well, and feel few lingering effects. I'm gearing up for a LONG training weekend, 1:30 swim and 2:30 run on Saturday, and 5:00 ride on Sunday. Only 50 days til Florida. The most important training is beginning. It's crunch time :-)